Sister Marylyn Gibney Receives a Marian Award

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On April 30, 2016 Sr. Marylyn Gibney received a Marian Awards from St. Mary’s Academy in recognition of “outstanding professional accomplishments and commitment to service and generosity to others”.  After a delicious brunch at the Gates, Amy Houston, St. Mary’s Event Coordinator, welcomed the many staff and alumnae members, families and friends of honorees.  She then read messages from Sr. Marylyn’s family members in Ontario who were unable to attend, a particularly moving moment for Sr. Marylyn as she listened to words from her sister who is in poor health.  “I am so sorry I am not able to be there to celebrate with you and meet a few of ‘the girls’ about whom you have spoken so often and so lovingly.  Know my thoughts and love are there with you, cheering you on with such pride…”

SMA President Connie Yunyk presents Marian Award to Sr. Marylyn Gibney