75 Years! It’s Time to Celebrate!

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On this rainy afternoon of August 14, 2020, and in the middle of a pandemic, the SNJM’s of Manitoba gathered under the Despins Residence gazebo to celebrate  Sr. Yvette Ricard’s 75th anniversary of religious profession.  The celebration was enriched by the accordion music of Sister Jeannine Vermette and by a song composed by Sr. Cathy Laviolette.

Sr. Yvette was a teacher for over 50 years and has fond memories of her students.  Throughout the years, she has shared her talents as counsellor, seamstress and cook.  She performed these duties with great skill.

Always elegantly dressed, she continues to maintain friendships with many residents and community members.

We wish her many more walks in the fresh air, health to enjoy the young family she has befriended and the abundant blessings of our God.

“With great joy and gratitude, we congratulate you, Sr. Yvette.
May the Lord bless you and keep you in his deep love.”

Sr Cathy Laviolette and Sr Yvette Ricard