Feast of Blessed Marie-Rose

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October 6, 2022 – What joy there was when, for the first time in three years, Associates, family members and Sisters came together to celebrate the feast day of founder Blessed Marie Rose Durocher and to receive two new Associates.  Chris Butterill and Paulette Martel warmly welcomed everyone gathered in the chapel at Despins Residence. The first scripture reading reminded us that we are all ambassadors of Christ. We then listened to the personal reflections of Patti LeBlanc and Colleen Ridley as each shared her journey on becoming an associate. Afterwards Sr. Edith called them forward to make their formal commitment. After signing their contracts, each received an Associate pin and a single rose, and was greeted with a warm round of applause. Then, the Associates and Sisters renewed their commitment to living out their promises/vows through prayer and actions to promote peace and justice, to promote the good of the whole Earth community and to walk together to bring the Acts of Chapter to life.

The Magnificat followed. We prayed that as ambassadors of Christ, we continue to cast fire on the earth as our beloved foundress, Mother Marie-Rose, would have us do. Our celebration continued over a light lunch and coffee.

Written by Sr Marylyn Gibney

Featured image Colleen Ridley and Patti Le Blanc