Sister Michelle Garlinski Renews Vows

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On January 3, 2021, the double feast of Epiphany and of the Holy Name of Jesus, Sister Michelle Garlinski renewed her vows for two years in the chapel of St. Mary’s Academy, Winnipeg, Manitoba.  Sister Elizabeth Liebert, formation director, Sister Maureen Delaney, province leader of the U.S.-Ontario province and Sister Lorraine St-Hilaire, province leader in Manitoba were delighted and honoured to join Michelle in a pandemic-adapted prayer celebration.

The text chosen by Michelle for the occasion was the reading proposed for the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, that is, the Letter of Paul to the Philippians, chapter 2, verses 1-11 (Message translation). In Beth’s words, “What a wonderful liturgical moment to be renewing your vows, Michelle! . ..  Indeed this biblical text completes Epiphany.”

Congratulations, Michelle!  We love you and we pray for you and with you.

Click here for the opening prayer offered by Sister Lorraine St-Hilaire.

Click here for the homily delivered by Sister Elizabeth Liebert.

Click here for the final prayer and blessing led by Sister Maureen Delaney.

Click here to watch the video.


Sister Lorraine St-Hilaire and Sister Michelle Garlinski