
“We are challenged by the Gospel and by the needs of society to unite our efforts with those around us to attain for all people conditions of life more equitable and more worthy of human dignity.”

- Constitutions, no. 14

Facing situations of injustice, violence and exclusion, we draw courage from the names of Jesus and Mary to denounce, in a non-violent way, anything that is contrary to fundamental human rights, the respect and dignity of the human person, and the harmony and sustainability of the Earth.

We are committed to making effective use of the power of our organization to foster systemic change. We take advantage of the SNJM Justice and Peace Network, made up of representatives from all across the Congregation, to coordinate our justice activities and fuel our reflection.

The SNJM Youth Justice Forum is organized every three years by the Justice and Peace Network to bring together teams of students and their teachers from our SNJM high schools. This organization encourages young people to reflect and delve deeper into justice issues. It also enables them to gain personal experience in working with impoverished and marginalized people.

Our commitment in favour of justice is also reflected in our collaboration with two recognized non-governmental organizations (NGOs): Development and Peace, the Canadian member of Caritas Internationalis and UNANIMA, which brings together some twenty Catholic religious congregations.

The Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) also assume their corporate responsibility by adopting three corporate stands on themes affecting the whole of the world’s population.

Human Trafficking

Access to Water

The entire Congregation, seconded by the affiliates, have said with a single voice that:

  • Water is a sacred gift that is the source of life.
  • Access to clean water is a basic human right.
  • The value of freshwater for the common good must take priority over any possible commercial value.
  • This natural element is a shared legacy and a collective responsibility.

Immigrants and refugees

“In the face of the crises of immigration and racism across the globe: We commit ourselves anew ‘to partner with immigrants, refugees, and indigenous people to resist racism, advocate for human rights and create welcoming communities.’” (Acts of the General Chapters, 2016 and 2011)